12 February 2017

Become Happy Like Gods

By Sicebise Msengana

"Being godless is simply a great thing. We do not have to enslave ourselves with the nonsense beliefs and magical rituals of religions.  We know everything is over with this life. 
The moment our brain stops functioning, that is the end of this bubble.
Being godless there is no illusion of an afterlife, allurement of a heaven or the fear of a hell. We can go in pace having lived our lives to the full. 

Where are we going? Why are we here? Where did we come from?

Why bother about all these clutter? We are standing on firm soil and the world is full of beautiful things.  Everything happens here so very naturally and in perfect harmony.  The moon rounds the earth; the earth rounds the sun with its moon and the sun with all its planets rounds the galactic center. This has been going on in absolute precision for the last 4.5 billion years!  A seed germinates with tender shoots to grow into a big tree. A baby gets birth and grows just like an old person dies." --Prof. P. A. Varghese. Read the full article :Become Happy Like Gods

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