17 July 2022

The Message of Panafricanism and Brotherhood was Hijacked

By Sicebise Msengana 

The message of panafricanism and brotherhood has been greatly distorted, co-opted and infiltrated by many crime apologetics and criminal philosophies sympathizers. Afrika has enough wealth and land to support 1.3 billion Africans. Take for instance, DRC is the wealthiest country in the world in terms of minerals - $30 trillion gem. But why are the Congolese leaving their country? Nigeria is the 10th largest producer of oil in the world and gets billions of dollars in revenue annually. Why Nigerians deserting their nation? 
Zimbabwe, Ghana, Ethiopia, Mozambique and other African countries have gold, diamonds, gas, platinum, fertile lands and other natural resources. But choose to be second class citizens in other people's countries. Where is the spirit of patriotism? How can one country, South Africa, feed the continent? What are 53 other presidents in Africa doing to free their people from poverty, economic recessions, political instability, diseases, ailing health care, housing and subpar education? Why ain't their people holding them accountable for failing to lead their countries to economic prosperity and national glory? 

Put South Africa First and Operation Dudula are leading a revolution in Africa!! Now African misLeaders are worried that they have to start leading!

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