16 June 2022

Why Patriarchy Makes Sense Than Feminism

 By Sicebise Msengana 

The feminist lie has clouded society with its anti-men ideologies. Also, it destroyed the trust women have in men. Feminism makes no sense in Africa because Africans are a communal nation/race. We don't believe in individualism and empowering one gender above the other. Women and girl children have been empowered in antiquity/pre-colonial Africa. 

It has always been about the family since the beginning. In essence, it is made up of the Father, Mother and Son. The ancient Egyptian holy trinity consists of Father God Osiris, the Mother Goddess Isis, and the Son Horus (although Christians/Romans perverted this into a homosexual trinity of 3 men - God, Jesus and Holy Spirit).


Nature invented traditional gender roles. Since men were physically stronger than women, it was natural for men to hunt, chase wild animals, protect women and children against threats of invading tribes. While women remained behind to look after children, cook, clean and maintain households.

Men invented agriculture and built cities. Thus, civilization was born. Then men began competing for resources and territories. Men had to go to war to protect their resources, territories and women. That's when men became the disposable sex and women were the preserved sex. Millions of men laid down their lives defending women and protecting civilization. More men saved women than women saved men. Men went to build the world and civilization we all enjoy today. We have libraries, computers, ships, sciences, cellphones, aeroplanes, cars, skyscrapers, law and order, roads etc because of men. There's nothing shameful about patriarchy. There's nothing toxic about masculinity and being a manly man. Civilization came as a result of men fighting with sweat, blood and tears and with their lives to provide, protect and build.

There are specific roles for each gender. Men have traditionally been the protectors; Bearing and nurturing for the young is the essence of female biology. Let’s blame nature, if we are looking for something to blame. Therefore, patriarchy is in line with nature. 
But this arrangement has been a natural instinct of the vast majority, and is necessary for the advancement of human civilisation. Let’s briefly review, what we can do to promote love and marriage within our own people:
#1 Social Engineering
African women are the BEST! In classical African societies, a woman DIGNIFIED a man among other men and in society. This is where we draw a line and separate MEN from boys.

RECOGNISE that the most effective way for the system to DESTROY our CONFIDENCE as AFRICAN MEN is to DEGRADE black females and portray our women in the UGLIEST STEREOTYPES. Right now, you will notice that African females are shown as sexually attractive but also sexually available.
This is why the white supremacist system is fixated on REWARDING black males who choose white and non black women over black females. It makes me remember the wise words of Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, “As a collective, Black males must realize that they have been fooled into believing that white females are their most loving allies. While white females are luring Black men into bed and to the altar, the white female collective is depriving Black men of their opportunity to function fully as breadwinners and not just as ‘sex-machines’—pg 249, “Black Children.”’

No one is ASKING African women to suffer peacefully. If unity is what we truly seek, African men must learn to compromise with African women and vice-versa. Black nationalism is about advocating for the rights and fair treatment of African women in society.
Because when we African men assist in the oppression of the black women, not only are we destroying the confidence of black women in general, but the products of her WOMB: black children.

#2 Death and marginalisation of black males also affects black women
African brothers with style and rhythm.
African women must recognise that it’s important for them to protect the image of African men.
When Africa is DESTROYED AND PLUNDERED and Black males in America are being KILLED ILLEGALLY and UNJUSTLY all by White and Asian males—the DEGRADATION and OPPRESSION of black manhood also affects them as well.
Black women are not “individuals”—it takes the black community to RAISE and TRAIN black girls into black women. Further, we should realise that African (black) women can’t be empowered by non-African men. When we are talking about “empowerment”, we are not talking about gold digging but being empowered as a HUMAN BEING and having rights reserved for human beings.
For example, white women are treated as human beings, and although their capabilities are exaggerated,  they’re seen as the STANDARD feminine, beauty and desirability.  Other women are not allowed to be put on a pedestal. It doesn’t matter if white women are plain ugly, loose and have bad teeth. It doesn’t matter if a white girl is a stripper or a porn star, she is still seen as honorable and having morals.

If you really want to protect women, don't encourage: 

- single motherhood

- hyping dangerous predatory men as relationship goals while labelling good guys as boring and "too good to be true."

- toxic hypergamy

- feminist and gynecentric laws

- pornography

- feminism

- promiscuity

- feminine beta males

- amablesser/sugar daddies

- onlyfans

- prostitution

- strong and independent women (masculinized women)

- singleness/unmarried 

- materialistic relationships

- demoCrazy

Also, don't teach women that they're victims by the virtue of their gender and all of their problems are the result of men. This causes distrust in men. Further creating a sense of grievance, entitlement, alienation and rebellion. 

Don't destroy patriarchy, submissiveness, femininity, masculinity, family values and marriage. Because they are flawed. Every thing else in the world is flawed.  

No matter how beautiful women of color have been; the white female was the standard from where they were judged by white people. White women enjoy celebrity status at the expense of non-white women.
For this reason, black women who ‘expand their horizons’, you will find them solving the wrong problems. This is why Dr. Frances Cress Welsing made excellent observations “...  . Black women have been confused and less clear in fully understanding how they have been led to cooperate in this deadly power game of white supremacy. Further, Black women do not understand fully that they have nothing to gain and everything to lose if this deadly game continues”—pg 285, “Black Women Moving Towards the 21st Century.”’
The sad part is that white and Asian males are FILTHY RICH because of the HISTORIC ABUSE of the black womb. White and non-black males can’t UPLIFT black women. Yes, White men will “love” them surely, but the falsely degraded image and systematic oppression of black women stays the same.
Because white supremacy DEPENDS on the DEATH, DEGRADATION and DESTRUCTION of the black woman and her community (i.e. Black people). Do you call that empowerment?

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