05 June 2022

Black Men Are Slaves Of The System Because They are Happy People

 By Sicebise Msengana 

Between 2006-2012, I used to watch Adolf Hitler speeches. Besides being one of the greatest orators in human history, he had a lot of anger in his speeches. His own frustration with Germany's defeat was echoed by most Germans. He hated socialists (Marxists), hated the Habsburgs, hated the Jews. Hitler’s hatred was often coupled with revenge and the desire to destroy those he loathed.  

He joined politics and directed his anger towards securing political power. He successfully bought Germany out of the great depression and the embarrassment of treaty of versailles. 

Lenin and Stalin worked with a lot of like-minded comrades who said “We know how to blow up this rotten place.” They didn’t just talk—they actually did it. They seized power in 1917–1918 and went about building a classless society. When Stalin inherited the revolution from Lenin in 1924, He industrialised, electrified, and modernised an illiterate semi-feudal absolute monarchy most backwards peasant nation in Europe in less than 20 years.  

What about black men? Black men don't have the RIGHTEOUS ANGER to transform the status quo. You have a bunch of black men sitting around and looking at each other hoping for " the greater good" or "things will sort themselves out" kind of escapism. 

I'm not saying black men should be like Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin, but happy people cannot lead a revolution. In spite of the atrocities such as slavery, colonialism and apartheid that befallen black people and Africa, however, black people are not angry and passively watch as history unfold itself. Continued neocolonialism, lack of service delivery, diseases, poverty, bioweapons, unemployment, corruption, crime, hunger, drugs, human trafficking, treacherous leadership, capitalism, proxy wars and direct foreign involvement in Africa's affairs; black men still find a reason to be happy even though their race is at the bottom and descending. 

Happy people cannot influence and lead a successful revolution because they're content with current economic, political, social and racial dominant system. 


One can feel the anger in Adolf Hitler’s speeches. That man was very angry. He wanted to change Germany and restore national pride. 

Today's black men are the most happiest men in the world and that's why they're mediocre men. Don't ever expect revolutionary acts from happy men because they rather throw away their manhood and dignity in exchange of mere trinkets such as jobs, security, protection, wealth and fame from the system. 

Happy men cannot lead a revolution. Happy people are comfortable, naive and see no injustices. White supremacy has destroyed Africa and black people's dignity and emasculated black manhood. But, black men are still smiling at their enemies who have caused them the greatest suffering in the world. You can hurt black people a thousand times, but these people will forgive you and move on like nothing happened. 

Amilcar Cabral. Kwame Nkrumah. Joseph Stalin. Mao Tsung. Lenin. Fidel Castro. Malcolm X. Idi Amin. Patrice Lumumba. Martin Luther King Jr. Chris Hani. Steve Biko. Nelson Mandela. Were not happy men. They were angry. 

Only ANGRY men lead revolutions and transform systems. 

1 comment:

  1. Dankie tata,Blacks have no desire to control or rule over we just wanna live and experience life.
