10 May 2022

Xhosa Nationalism

Izinto zika Togu ka Xhosa. Colonisation, apartheid and democracy reactionary World Orders have social forces and groups that resist nationalism and are hostile to nationalist revolution. Our enemies bothered us and persecuted us, and from time to time delayed national unity, but they can't stop the new wave of Xhosa NATIONALISM. 

In a modern world, we need two institutions to resurrect that power: lobby groups and a political party. The old, proud custodians of our people will champion national leadership. Then these institutions will educate the Xhosa man, spread propaganda, organise the masses and help them establish political power. And therefore, strengthen and carry on their shoulders the Xhosa nation and kingdom. Only the best Xhosa nationalists shall be regarded as comrades. 

Our past glorious and laudable leadership were NATIONALISTS and cultural preservationists. IsiXhosa language, spirituality, history and culture thrived under their leadership. Our army was ultimately in its organization hard as steel and was second to none in Africa. Xhosa armies mauled down European colonialists for 100 years. These were the racially best of the Xhosa nation, the highest embodiment of national pride, indestructible pillar of the Xhosa people and nation. Long live Xhosa kingdom! Long live Xhosa nation! Sicebise Msengana

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