16 May 2022

Illegal Immigrants are a Pandemic in South Africa

 By Sicebise Msengana 

Seven South Africans including a baby were murdered by Zimbabweans. But white owned media is telling us about a Zimbabwean who died in Diesploot. 

The influx of illegal immigrants into South Africa is a political and social agenda to destabilize South Africa by white supremacy. White people relaxed immigration laws in South Africa to ensure that they can get cheap labour. White businesses milk billions from immigrants while skilled citizens remain unemployed. Illegal immigrants easily engage in crimes like fake IDs, drugs, human trafficking, destroy infrastructure (stealing copper cables, railway lines)because they can't be traced by law enforcement agencies and they don't contribute to the economy, but consume social grants. 

Useless dictators in Africa have destroyed the economies of their respective countries, stifled freedom, killed opponents and engaged in civil wars that ruined infrastructure and opportunities for their people. While collaborating with the Europeans and Chinese.

Through their sellout, reactionary acts they have created a migration crisis in Africa. But the entire continent of Africa expects South Africa to take responsibility for this mess caused by weak, inept and useless African misLEADERS. 

Misguided panafricanists are busy preaching "Africa is for Africans" instead of denouncing colonizers and African misLEADERS alike. Instead of Nigerians, Ethiopians, Zimbabweans, Ugandans, Malawians, Ghanaians etc challenging repressive leaders and changing the status quo in their countries, they flee to other people's countries. When did running away from your country solved any problems? How does forcing themselves into South African borders going to change their situation?

But according to these bitter panafricanist groups, South Africa should accommodate undocumented immigrants who consist of drug dealers, human traffickers, brothel operators, hijackers and other violent criminals in its borders. After all, it's South Africa's responsibility to clean this mess caused by other people or South Africans are labeled as xenophobic. 

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