13 August 2021


By Sicebise Msengana 

King George V and Tsar Nicholas II looked alike that they were often mistaken for the same person during ceremonies, events and family gatherings. It was hard to tell them apart. Kaiser Wilhelm II, George V and Tsar Nicholas II were cousins through their grandmother, Queen Victoria. However, being related through blood didn't stop them from going to war with each other for world domination. 

1848 revolutions started when nations in Europe rebelled against the post-Napoleonic conservative order. The French revolution and the Communist Manifesto, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were great influences of waves of revolutions. 

The Balkans was also more like the "Middle East" of Europe, the region was politically unstable due to Europeans of different ethnic groups, languages and culture lumped together in Austria-Hungary empire. 

When Otto Bismarck became the Prime Minister of Prussia, he began imperialistic warfare and extended it to Prussia's neighbours  like Denmark, Austria and France. In 1871 he unified Germany into a nation-state, forming the German Empire. 

Three of Queen Victoria's grandsons inherited kingdoms at an era where Europe was the planet's landlord and "civilization" for Europeans has always been defined by DEATH AND CONQUEST. Unlike Africans who are connected to nature and don't rob, destroy and pollute nature in the name of civilization and CONQUEST. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War I. The Great War was just a pretext for domination. Since powers in Europe were obsessed with the arms race and armaments was a motivator for these nations. 

These people are dead. Every pursuit of knowledge for them is an advancement of death and destruction. The white race has death machines - death armies with Weapons of Mass Destruction, so as to destroy people by their millions driven by the lust for power, wealth and total domination. Racism cannot be cured because it's pathological like its European creators.

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