06 December 2020

African Origins of Ancient Egypt

Sicebise Msengana

"Ancient Egypt was a Negro Civilization. The history of Black Africa will remain suspended in air and cannot be written correctly until African historians dare to connect it with the history of Egypt." -Cheikh Anta Diop 

AbaNtu (aka BANTUs) is a large group of African people who speak a wide variety of related languages and when they refer to fellow people they say: ABANTU in isiXhosa, isiZulu, Luganda (Ganda), Kirundi & Runyakitara, watu in Swahili; bantu in Kikongo & Duala; batu in Lingala; bato in Kiluba; abanto in Gusii; and? in Kikuyu; and; wandru in Ngazidjia Comorian; abantru in isiMpondo; bãtfu in isiPhuthi; bantfu in isiSwati; banu in Lala; vanhu in Shona and Tsonga; batho in Sesotho and Sepedi; vandu in some Luhya dialects; vhathu in Venda; and mbaityo in Tiv. It is estimated that there are more than 500 different “BANTU” languages spoken by more than 300 Million people in Africa.

It was in Kemet (Ancient Egypt) where the world’s first Great Civilizations was born with agriculture the primary driver of the economy. More than 5000 years ago, King Narmer (Menes) unified Upper and Lower Kemet and created one big Kemet Empire.

Some 4600 years ago, Imhotep a respected polymath and trusted adviser to King Djoser was laying the foundations of modern knowledge. Imhotep is the first known Architect, Engineer and Physician in History. He is the father of Medicine. Merit-Ptah was
also making great strides in the progress of human kind as she is the first known woman in the history of Medicine and all of Science.

These ancestors had a deep understanding of their surroundings, the workings of nature. They started making representations of these various elements of nature and those of humans in the form of what is Gods & Goddesses. 
There was also another God, a falcon-god of war in Kemet, his name was MoNtu. He was normally represented as a raging bull for his strength and war some 5000 years ago & Kemet’s greatest generals & kings called themselves Mighty Bulls, the sons of Montu.

It is from this figure that we find the use of the root word NTU.

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