11 December 2020

Africa Doesn't Need Sick People

One brother once said to me “I never will get tested. I don’t want to be stressed out about my status.” Well, that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard in my life. I tried to hide my dissatisfaction, I couldn’t help but think that it is impossible for the African people to advance, grow and stand as a DIGNIFIED and RESPECTED people among other nations, when we neglect a very important essential part of nation building: health care.

It is IMPOSSIBLE for a sick people both mentally and physically to fight for self-determination, self-respect and self-preservation.
Sick patients desperately need pills and medical treatment. But a healthy African nationalist army that consists of healthy African soldiers needs:
1. Guns to consolidate our defence forces to ensure that we are able according to Mwalimu Baruti, of “defending both the Afrikan continent against any aggressor and Afrikan people wherever they may reside on the face of this planet, as well as having the authority to maintain national (continent wide) order.”

2. Lead armed resistance in European and Asian settler-colonies and set up African people's governments. 

3. aggressively pursue a land reform, built up a people's army - the African Liberation Army - and preserve and  the revolutionary forces of the African people. A nation of sick people is unable to defend itself against the perpetrators of racism and colonial terrorists (i.e. Europeans and Asians, especially the Arabs and the Chinese government). But a healthy people can’t be neither intimidated nor conquered nor exterminated. Instead they fight to win and establish REVOLUTIONARY POLITICAL POWER.

Rather than begging for token crumbs like “foreign aid” and integration, using white restaurants, toilets and sleeping with their oppressors; they fight the enemy to the last drop of their blood and regain their status as human beings. So get tested for HIV/AIDS and know your status. We have seen how the virus has crippled the continent’s development and caused a debt deficit worth billions of dollars by allocating a large portion of its resources to wage unrelenting war against the deadly virus.

Africa doesn’t need a sick population nor organised religions nor pastors. Africa needs progress—scientists, engineers, teachers, mathematicians, theoretical physicists, philosophers, thinkers etc.
We want cars, aeroplanes, military equipment, state-of-art buildings and other infrastructures designed and built by Africans. We want Africans to develop their own space exploration agencies and throw rockets and satellites into the Earth’s orbit. We want Africans to lead space expeditions into the outer space and be the first ones to discover new lifeforms previously unknown.
We want Africa to find the cure for HIV/AIDS, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, and other ailments which paralyse human beings from head to toe. We want Africa in a world of MADNESS, DEATH, CHAOS, GREED, VIOLENCE and DECEPTION, to be the world’s only HOPE of TOLERANCE, LOVE and PEACE.

We have given the world all of its humanity which no one has been able to practice in human history. We want Africa to give the world its only chance of HUMANITY, it could not even dream of by a stretch of imagination.

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