05 October 2020

Cheap Black Labour is Dividing Africans Globally

I have heard some remarks from Africans from West Africa, saying that "South Africans and African Americans are 'lazy' and don't want to 'work.' And all we do is to complain and expect free things." I mean, if those people who make those comments are hardworking, then why are they immigrants and always seeking to escape their countries? What do they have to show for perceived hardworking traits inherent in them? Why are their countries poverty stricken, desolate, war-torn, desert like despite being hard-workers? 

Many of our African brothers and sisters from other countries don't understand race relations. That's why when they come to South Africa they believe that working for white people for free or crumbles makes them "hard-workers" and South Africans who refuse to work for slave wages are "lazy." After slavery and colonisation, black people were stereotyped as lazy because black labour was no longer free. Relations between Africans and African Americans are strained due to Africans who visit America and accept slave wages, for jobs that African Americans demand higher wages. Black people need to stop being pawns of white people and allow them to use one of our own to divide black people. Instead of defining ourselves by terms coined by white supremacists, we have to look out for each other. 

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