15 August 2020

What It Means To Be A True Rasta: African Liberation Movement

By Sicebise Msengana

What it means to be a true Rasta:  I'm not against smoking of weed, but a lot of people smoke a joint, listen to Reggae music and start seeing themselves as Rastas. In the Bible,  Samson was the first recorded Rasta who made a covenant with Jah/God. Samson was born in a time of infliction and poverty for the Hebrew nation. In the book of Judges, we find Hebrews crying out to Jah for a savior. Jah heard their prayers and sent Samson to help the Hebrew nation fight the Philistine heathens with a boot over their neck.

What does Rastafarianism means to African people? To be a true Rasta, one must make a covenant with his creator/people/nation/ancestors. Locks on the head symbolise a permanent covenant and weed or marijuana is the incense. Africa is currently facing invasion from the heathens. African people globally are being inflicted by bioweapons such as corona virus, HIV/AIDS, eBola etc aimed to exterminate us, forced sterilizations on black women, engineered starvations in Africa And black communities globally, contraceptives, abortions, interracial sex, pedophilia, feminist and homosexual agendas. Our Philistine enemies from Europe, Arabia and Asia are hell-bent on oppressing black people and exploiting their God given talents and plundering their motherland. 
To be a true Rasta also means to be a nationalist. Samson was sent to be a savior of his people. Jah blessed him with superhuman strength and extraordinary abilities. Instead of using his power to liberate his people, he fornicated with the women of his enemies (just like today we will find black men and black women sleeping or having children with the sons of daughters of their enemies). Lustful mind for material things (greedy African leaders driven by lust for power and money have sold the entire continent and their people to Europeans and Asians) put him in trouble. Delilah, a young woman, he fell in love with seduced him to his demise through revealing his secret. Same thing applies to Africans in Africa and around the world; once seduced by wealth, lust and fame we end up betraying the struggle. 

Remember Nelson Mandela who struggle for more than 60 years only to forgive the enemies of his people and allowed them to walk away Scot free in the name of "love" and "forgiveness." Remember Dr Martin Luther King Jr. who preached forgiveness and nonviolence to his people against a violent and aggressive foe, what was his end? 

After the Philistines caught Samson. They put gouged his eyes and threw him in a dungeon. Hurling insults and celebrated their victory over Samson's fall with wine, food, music and dance. After Patrice Lumumba was betrayed by Mboto, he was placed in a dark prison. He awaited his death like sheep waiting to be slaughtered. The Western world celebrated the deaths of Malcolm X, Chris Hani, Steve Biko, Winnie Mandela, Dr Amos Wilson, and many others. 

Their deaths symbolised the victory over Africa and Africans across the world. But Samson had a little of fighting power left. He whispered to a boy besides him and asked him to place his arms around the temple pillars. So he summoned his strength and prayed to Jah for his last divine intervention. God heard his prayers and granted his request. The temple started shaking and the structure came scrambling down. He also was killed as well as he offered himself as a sacrifice. Killing 3000 Philistines. A lot more than he killed than when he was alive. King Hintsa was one of the most courageous Kings and warriors in Africa. He led Xhosa armies against Europeans in the battlefields of Amathole. His armies inflicted serious injuries to British colonial armies and killed many Philistines [Europeans] in the process. He was assassinated in 1840. He died a brave man's death with the heads of slain Europeans. Amilcar Cabral died after slaughtering many Portuguese colonial thieves. 

Mozambican leader, Samora died in the trenches with thousands of fallen Boer and Portuguese colonial invaders. King Cetwayo surrendered after fighting bravely and defeating the British empire at the Battle of Isandalwana. Samson may be gone, but his exploits are still recorded for future generations.Mangaliso Sobukwe, Thomas Sankara, Idi Amin, Solomon Mahlangu, Oliver Tambo, Walter Rodney may be no longer with us, but their ideas and works remain with us.

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