28 July 2020

The Destiny of African People is Controlled by Europeans through African women

By Sicebise Msengana
Have you ever wondered why black people find themselves in compromising positions globally? I think part of the problem emanates from the wombs of black women. Throughout history white men have sought to control the wombs of African women to ensure the survival of white supremacy and ENSLAVEMENT of African people.

During chattel slavery in America, plantations were places of sexual violence against women, particular African women. Millions of African women were raped and impregnated into submission by white males. The result of these forced sexual encounters were biracial babies. Similarly on the continent, Europeans gleefully raped African women and leave them stranded with babies. Rape was used as a means of control and domination of the conquered race. 

Nowadays, Europeans no longer have access to the bodies of black women, except for pornography, interracial dating/marriages and reported cases of rape here and there. But one thing that remains is the minds of black women: white men still have access to the minds of black women through Eurocentric education, media, jobs, religion, health care and beauty standards. Hence, most African women think like white women in most aspects. 

Africans are the only people in the planet who allow their daughters and mothers to be trained by another race to uphold their culture, language, values and orientations. Thus, black women turn out to not be race defenders and PROTECTORS of their culture and people. 

Today, we find Africans globally being victimized by Europeans and Asians (esp. The Chinese) because they control the most important aspect of nationhood: Wombs. They tell when black women should have children and how many children they should have. Bill Gates Eugenics foundation and Co. have been partly successful in convincing Africa to use poisonous contraceptives such as abortions, birth control pills, and condoms packaged as "family planning." When they actually asking us to participate in our DEATH and DESTRUCTION. 

By doing so, we have given another people so much pain to control our destiny. We have to take that power and decide for ourselves what is meaningful to us. Human beings have the autonomy to chart their own lives. No people should decide for another people how to live their lives.

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