23 March 2018


  • By Sicebise Msengana

: A lot of our people think that apartheid (racism) is white policemen going around and killing people. And then they clap hands and say, "Apartheid will never happen again!"

Yet, apartheid is happening right before our eyes. Real apartheid is when Africans bank with white banks, but are denied loans and funding because they're "Black." Real apartheid is when Africans are the original owners of this land, but are denied their birthright through colonial thuggery and genocide. Real apartheid is when Africans only control 20% of the economic output and yet bloodthirsty European invaders control up to 80% and foreigners like Indians and Chinese control the rest.

Real apartheid is when Africans are given the right to vote, but are denied human rights and dignity. Real apartheid is when the African child is told, "there's no money to fund free education" and yet European offspring still benefit from the illegal financial spoils of colonialism and apartheid that were acquired through suffering and misery on the part of our African ancestors.

Real apartheid is when Africans need land, food, water, money, quality heath care and education facilities to sustain themselves, but are told the "solution" to their problems is "Love", interracial sex/marriage, "Forgiveness", "Give over it", "Stop whining" and "I wasn't there. Stop blaming me for my ancestors' actions." Real apartheid is when African women are given useless social grants and RDP houses, but European women get maximum funding for their ideas, businesses and projects. Real apartheid is when the African man is forced to live on only 13% of the land because section 25 of the constitution only allows the redistribution of the land that was stolen after the 1913 Act.

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