25 February 2018

How Christianity Undeveloped Africa and the Rest of the World

By Sicebise Msengana

We have magical naiveté with regards to enslaving colonial religions, especially Christianity, to a certain extent of defending them. Even when those religions were never meant to do us any good. Christianity began as a religio-political cult in Judea, and eventually spread to Rome.

Before we can go any further,  the first question is what is development? Walter Rodney answered the question in his book, How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, “Development in human society is a many-sided process. At the level of the individual, it implies increased skill and capacity, greater freedom, creativity, self-discipline, responsibility and material well-being. Some of these are virtually moral categories and are difficult to evaluate – depending as they do on the age in which one lives, one’s class origins, and one’s personal code of what is right and what is wrong... The tools with which men work and the manner in which they organise their labour are both important indices of social development... .”—pg. 6-7.
Whether we like it or not, Christianity has paved way for European slavery and colonialism on the African continent. However, we will notice that apologists will use half truths such as the “no true Christian” ( no true Scotsman ): an informal logical fallacy, an ad hoc attempt to explain away specific cases without paying any attention to objective examples that prove otherwise.
But intelligent people already know that the only way to tell comes from the very words from those who make the claim. Another writer makes excellent remarks:
...The Europe that came out of the Dark and Middle Ages was a Europe that was deficient in land, people and especially resources. It solved the land and people problem by taking other people's land and enslaving and/or exterminating them. The Protestant ethic spurred European powers to create and maintain a system of slavery and colonisation that would ensure that the economies of Europe [and later the United States] would be fuelled by the enforced labour of enslaved and colonised peoples. To ease their consciences for their orgies of extermination and enslavement, they, with great assistance from the Church - Catholic and Protestant, created a rationale that convinced them that they were dealing with "uncivilised" people who were "savages, steeped in idolatry, who sacrifice human beings, eat human flesh and deal with the devil". An examination of the diaries and other historical documents written by European missionaries, merchants and soldiers show that this pretext was used time and again in the Americas, Africa and Asia.
It is an argument that is still used today except that "civilisation" and "Christianity" have been switched to "democracy", "free trade", "Globalisation", etc.
This is not meant to be an indictment of many individuals who are genuine in their beliefs. However, they in their innocence remain unaware of the circumstances surrounding the origin and development of their faith and the role it played in the enslavement and colonising of peoples, the shaping of an ideology that was the foundation for Western racism—Corey Gilkes.
In the Americas, Christopher Columbus “discovered” nothing other than killing, raping, and stealing lands from the Ameridians. In 1492 the mass murderer, Columbus set his foot in the Bahamas. The Taino-Arawak people welcomed him and his crew. He later wrote boasting:
They brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells. They willingly traded everything they owned. They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features. They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of sugar cane. They would make fine servants. With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.
The same schizophrenic colonialist wrote again “Let us in the name of the Holy Trinity go on sending all the slaves that can be sold."
William Howitt (1792–1879), an English Quaker, visited Australia and the East early in the nineteenth century wrote:
The treatment of females could not be described Dragged from the inmost recesses of their houses, which the religion of the country had make so many sanctuaries, they were exposed naked to public view. The virgins were carried to the Court of Justice, where they might naturally have looked for protection, but they now looked for it in vain; for in the face of the ministers of justice, in the face of the spectators, in the face of the sun, those tender and modest virgins were brutally violated... Other females had the nipples of their breasts put in a cleft bamboo and torn off.
These are just few examples of how Christianity has been used for what W.E.B. Du Bois described as “this conviction, the Christian Church, Catholic and Protestant, at first damned the heathen blacks with the “curse of Canaan,” then held out hope of freedom through “conversion,” and finally acquiesced in a permanent status of human slavery.”
China, India, Middle East, America and Africa—wherever the European came into contact with foreign populations; he has seduced, killed and enslaved all of these people. And justified his greedy, thievery and bloodthirsty nature using religion. I also wonder if why is it that White people (people of European ancestry) couldn’t and still can’t live with other people in peaceful coexistence?
We know for sure that these enslavers, murderers, colonial terrorists, child rapists were Christians and the only verifiable evidence we have, or could ever have, about people who call themselves Christian comes from the very confession of those making the claim.
Another point to consider is that without the Christian religion, it would have been impossible for the Europeans to build power and enjoy the so-called “freedoms” and privileges, they love to brag about today because it gives them a false sense of pride and superiority.
The reason people of Afrikan descent are in the Americas today can be attributed to the massive slave trading business of the European Christians. The reason Afrika is in the state that it is in today can basically be attributed to the European Christians. The reason most people of Afrikan descent do not know who they are and may frown when someone accidentally calls them an Afrikan, can also be attributed to the European Christians. This whole process began with Pope Julius II who signed a document entitled the "Papal Bull," dividing the world amongst his two most powerful Christian countries, Portugal and Spain. Prior to the 16th century, Spain signed a contract with the Portuguese called "Asiento," allowing them a monopoly in the carrying and selling of Afrikans across the Atlantic, until the English, who were the most aggressive, along with the French, Dutch, and later the rest of Europe joined in.
Slavery in the United States, by the European Christians, in the name of Christianity, was the development of the worst form of slavery in world history; "chattel slavery." In other words, Afrikans were not considered human but property or animals, with absolutely no type of human rights at all. This was justified through the misinterpretation of Bible stories, particularly about Afrikan people being cursed and turned black—Kwaku Person-Lynn , Ph.D.
It is believed that Africa is impoverished because Africans are “inferior” and “It’s God’s will.” Rodney questions the arrested mental development of White people with regards to pretexts given to justify neo-colonialism—economic exploitation and social degradation: “When the capitalists from the developed parts of the world try to explain this paradox, they often make it sound as though there is something ‘God-given’ about the situation...”
And makes an example of a bourgeois economist who gives a “biblical explanation!”
...He says that: ‘It is all told in the Bible: For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. (St Matthew, xxv, 29.) The story of the “hath nots” is the story of the modern underdeveloped countries.’ Presumably, the only comment which one can make on that is ‘Amen’. The interpretation that underdevelopment is somehow ordained by God is emphasised because of the racist trend in European scholarship. It is in line with racist prejudice to say openly or to imply that their countries are more developed because their people are innately superior, and that the responsibility for the economic backwardness of Africa lies in the generic backwardness of the race of black Africans. An even bigger problem is that the people of Africa and other parts of the colonised world have gone through a cultural and psychological crisis and have accepted at least partially the European version of things. That means that the African himself has doubts about his capacity to transform and develop his natural environment. With such doubts, he even challenges those of his brothers who say that Africa can and will develop through the efforts of its own people. If we can determine when underdevelopment came about, it would dismiss the lingering suspicion that it is racially or otherwise predetermined and that we can do little about it—pg. 35.
The only way to get people confused is through religion. Because religion teaches there’s nobility and honour in suffering—“Focus on your Heavenly rewards” or “Blessed are those who suffer because of me [Jesus].” But in the meantime Africans should endure slavery, colonialism and apartheid, while White people amass obscene wealth and privileges based on the DEATH and DESTRUCTION of Africans.
Time and again we have seen how the Christian religion, and the “Holy” Bible, the bestselling piece of propaganda ever invented by human minds were used with the sole purpose of enslaving, controlling and exterminating other human beings because “God said so.”
In one of many lectures, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing gave she highlighted the fact that racism/white supremacy functions in the following human activities:
1. Economics
2. Education
3. Entertainment
4. Labour
5. Law
6. Politics
7. Religion
8. Sex
9. War
Therefore, religion should be examined and not neglected if we are to end white racism. Following a false religion invented by white slave owners, colonisers, robbers and killers is more dangerous than having no religion at all.
The concept of a white god damages the minds of Africans. Because it teaches them to be complicit ( suffer peacefully) about their OPPRESSION and ENSLAVEMENT.  Praying to a white god causes serious psychological damage to the minds of Africans, to a great extent of being reluctant to preserve oneself and destroy the enemy. In essence, religion instructs Africans to be martyrs in the name of religion, when it is far better to make martyrs of the perpetrators of racism.
One of the most enduring stereotypes spread by religious people about Africa is that its underdevelopment and the sad conditions Africans find themselves in have nothing to do with the Christian religion.
Even if this religious propaganda were correct and that God created a “perfect world” and  he is not responsible for the effects of “sin”, what would this prove? In other words, why did he allow Satan to tempt his creations over a bet to prove their loyalty to him? He could have destroyed Adam and Eve and started again, why didn’t he? He could have forgiven them and punished Satan—but he didn’t.
He sent European missionaries and colonialists to indoctrinate Africans in Christianity and allowed them to “preach the gospel” in the most cruel and wicked ways unimaginable—what were his intentions, anyway? What was his goal behind allowing talking snakes and Satan to roam freely besides tempting and inflicting  pain and suffering on  humans? Giving human beings intellectual capabilities—and punishing them for using them?
God could have created a world where humans would choose only to do good. According to the bible, God is incapable of sinning, why didn’t he create free-willed beings who, like him, would freely choose only what is good?
Our ancestors had no choice but to believe falsehoods that were shoved down their throats under the pain of death. But how come the love of Jesus possibly be spread through death, exploitation, rape, theft and extortion? It doesn’t make sense. God had all the time and power in the universe to supernaturally get the message out there, but he chose murderers, thieves and rapists to preach that message and what do you call that?
1. Walter Rodney, “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.” Pg. 6-7, 35. 1973.
2. Corey Gilkes, ‘“Orthodox" Christianity and the birth of European Nationalism.”February 02, 2002.
3. Kwaku Person-Lynn , Ph.D. “Christianity, Islam and Slavery.” June 07, 1999.

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