05 November 2017

African Heroes: Legacy of Amilcar Cabral

By Sicebise Msengana

Amilcar Cabral, a brilliant socialist, freedom fighter and theoretician. By the time of his assassination in 1973, people of Guinea had more 60% of their land back.

His armies skillfully destroyed Portuguese colonial invaders on the battlefields. He understood that power can only be achieved through the barrel of the gun. " For a revolution to take place depends on the nature of the party (and its size), the character of the struggle which led up to liberation, whether there was an armed struggle, what the nature of this armed struggle was and how it developed and, of course, on the nature of the state."

He believed in total liberation of Africa and its peoples. He was quoted "In Africa we are all for the complete liberation of the African continent from the colonial yoke, for we know that colonialism is an instrument of imperialism. So we want to see all manifestations of imperialism totally wiped out on the soil of Africa…"

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