06 February 2017

Women Especially African Women Would Very Dumb To Follow Islam

By Sicebise Msengana

The joke is women who are still dumb enough to follow this male chauvinist murder cult that OPPRESSES, DEGRADES, RAPES and KILL innocent women around the world, especially in the Middle East.

The Quran mentioned women in chauvinist grotesque imagery.

The Prophet said, "I looked at Paradise and found poor people forming the majority of its inhabitants; and I looked at Hell and saw that the majority of its inhabitants were women ."

Which means women comprise the majority of Hell's occupants.

The Quran in Sura (Chapter) 2:223 says:
Your women are your fields, so go into your fields whichever way you like . . . . (MAS Abdel Haleem, The Qur’an, Oxford UP, 2004)

The hadith are the records of Muhammad’s words and actions outside of the Quran.


Sahih Muslim 3371 —We went out with Allah’s Messenger on the expedition to the Bi’l-Mustaliq and took captive some excellent Arab women; and we desired them, for we were suffering from the absence of our wives, (but at the same time) we also desired ransom for them. So we decided to have sexual intercourse with them but by observing azl (withdrawing the male sexual organ before emission of semen to avoid conception). But we said: We are doing an act whereas Allah’s Messenger is amongst us; why not ask him? So we asked Allah’s Messenger, and he said: It does not matter if you do not do it, for every soul that is to be born up to the Day of Resurrection will be born.

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: I was accompanying the Prophet on a journey and was riding a slow camel that was lagging behind the others. The Prophet passed by me and asked, "Who is this?" I replied, "Jabir bin 'Abdullah." He asked, "What is the matter, (why are you late)?" I replied, "I am riding a slow camel." He asked, "Do you have a stick?" I replied in the affirmative. He said, "Give it to me." When I gave it to him, he beat the camel and rebuked it. Then that camel surpassed the others thenceforth. The Prophet said, "Sell it to me." I replied, "It is (a gift) for you, O Allah's Apostle." He said, "Sell it to me. I have bought it for four Dinars (gold pieces) and you can keep on riding it till Medina." When we approached Medina, I started going (towards my house). The Prophet said, "Where are you going?" I Sad, "I have married a widow." He said, "Why have you not married a virgin to fondle with each other?" I said, "My father died and left daughters, so I decided to marry a widow (an experienced woman) (to look after them)." He said, "Well done." When we reached Medina, Allah's Apostle said, "O Bilal, pay him (the price of the camel) and give him extra money." Bilal gave me four Dinars and one Qirat extra. (A sub-narrator said): Jabir added, "The extra Qirat of Allah's Apostle never parted from me." The Qirat was always in Jabir bin 'Abdullah's purse. See--Sahih Bukhari 3:38:504. 

This is hardly surprising  that the only women in heaven mentioned in sexually demeaning terms by Muhammad are the 72 virgins who serve the sexual desires of men.

Muhammad used to "thigh" his six year-old child wife, Aisha until she was nine years-old.

Narrated Sulaiman bin Yasar:
I asked 'Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, "I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah's Apostle and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible. " I don't care how Islamic apologists justify pedophile behaviour, but no person is above reproach.

"If a man invites his wife to sleep with him and she refuses to come to him, then the angels send their curses on her till morning." See-(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 121)
So women don't have the right to their bodies? What a loving god you have!

Abu Dawud (2150) - "The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives. Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Quran 4:24) 'And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.'" Not only does Allah give permission for women to be captured and raped, but it must be done in front of their husbands.

"The share of the male shall be twice that of a female . . . . (Maududi, vol. 1, p. 311)  That can only mean one thing, which is women are not EQUAL to men in the Islamic world and to Allah.

Physical Abuse and emotional putdowns

"On the Day of Judgement, a husband shall not be questioned for beating his wife." See--(Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 2, p 105)

This can help explain why Islamic women are treated like trash and stoned to death even for minor things such as being a victim of rape. What? Arab males victimise a woman and kill for being a rape victim. That's not JUSTICE! 

The Prophet said, "Misfortune is a part of womanhood, residence and horse." (Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 2, p 70)

The Prophet said, "A woman's evidence carries half the weight of that of a man. It is owing to lack of wisdom on their part. However, they are also injurious to the dignity of faith and cannot be allowed to say prayer during the period of menstruation or observe fasting." (Mishkat_al-Masabih, Vol. 1, p 19)


The Islamic rape culture operates like a mafia and all of its criminality goes back to its founder, Muhammad.

Even Ayatollah Khomeini one of the leading Muslims of the twentieth century, wrote
 "A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. If he penetrates and the child is harmed then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however would not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister."

The Egyptian Sheikh Abu-Ishaq al-Huwayni declared in May 2011 that “we are in the era of jihad,” and that meant Muslims are justified in slave trading business:

Jihad is only between Muslims and infidels. Spoils, slaves, and prisoners are only to be taken in war between Muslims and infidels. Muslims in the past conquered, invaded, and took over countries. This is agreed to by all scholars—there is no disagreement on this from any of them, from the smallest to the largest, on the issue of taking spoils and prisoners. The prisoners and spoils are distributed among the fighters, which includes men, women, children, wealth, and so on.
When a slave market is erected, which is a market in which are sold slaves and sex-slaves, which are called in the Qur’an by the name milk al-yamin, “that which your right hands possess” [Koran 4:24]. This is a verse from the Qur’an which is still in force, and has not been abrogated. The milk al-yamin are the sex-slaves. You go to the market, look at the sex-slave, and buy her. She becomes like your wife, (but) she doesn’t need a (marriage) contract or a divorce like a free woman, nor does she need a wali. All scholars agree on this point—there is no disagreement from any of them. […] When I want a sex slave, I just go to the market and choose the woman I like and purchase her.

Professor Suad Saleh had the these words in mind: Allah allows rape. “In order to humiliate them, they become the property of the army commander, or of a Muslim, and he can have sex with them just like he has sex with his wives,” Saleh said.

In conclusion, I have seen the rationalisations where Islamic scholars try to distance themselves from Sunni traditions and invoked the "Shia argument" only to use the same Sunni traditions to save Islam from scrutiny. For example, they will say that Islam is against slavery and use Sunni teachings to save face.

Like all enslaving colonial religions, Islam is an imperialist tool for Arab supremacy. Watch this video

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