26 January 2017

Africans Must Protect Themselves against Asian Aggression and Imperialism

By Sicebise Msengana

Just as Dr. John H. Clarke mentioned that wannabe whites are dangerous,  they fight so hard to be accepted by Europeans (whites). One of the most ignored aspects of history, is the Arab invasion of Africa. But I know that it has to do with most Africans being Muslims, both in Africa and America.

Though they were brutally honest on European domination/white supremacy, but Brothers Malcolm X, Dr. Khalid Muhammad (whom I love so much ) and many others never touched the subject of Arab racism and imperialism. They promote a conventional PR image of Asians.

This is centuries-old prejudice. Asian philosophers, thinkers, scientists and other intellectuals had inherently racist beliefs about Africans. To quote Comparative Digests: Racism Arab and European Compared, by Chinweizu:
• ‘A Persian treatise on world geography, written in 982 AD says: “As regards southern countries, all their inhabitants are black on account of the heat of their climate. Most of them go naked. . . . They are people distant from the standards of humanity.” And of the Zanj: “Their nature is that of wild animals. They are extremely black.”’

• The 13 th century Persian writer Nasir al-Din Tusi remarks that the Zanj differ from animals only in that “their two hands are lifted above the ground,” and continues “Many have observed that the ape is more teachable and more intelligent than the Zanj.” –[See Lewis, Race and Color in Islam , pp.35, 36, 38]
The genocidal, psychotic Asian assault on the African community is not a new thing.

Dr. Chancellor Williams documents this deliberate unprovoked Act of War, in his book, "The Destruction of Black Civilisation
 From the earliest times the elimination of these states as independent African sovereignties had been an Asian objective,stepped up by Muslim onslaughts after the seventh century A.D. So there established black states were still being conquered and Islamized when Europeans began to arrive in great numbers to impose their rule over both Asians and Africans. The big thing that happened here, to repeat, is generally glossed over, ignored or forgotten. The last being a pretension, since a historical development of this magnitude could hardly be forgotten by serious writers on Africa. For what happened,very simply, was that European imperialism in Africa checked andreplaced Arab imperialism. The Arab screams against Western imperi-alism are the screams of outrage against Western imperialists for checking and subduing Eastern imperialists in the very midst of the Blacks they had conquered. There are still countless thousands of Blacks who are naive enough to believe that the Arabs' bitter attack on Western colonialism show their common cause with Black Africa (Pg. 47)."

I’m fed up with these so-called ‘People of Colour’, who use us for their self-serving purposes only to stab us on the back.
They treat us so bad. Yet we continue to jump into bed with our Asian oppressors and spend our hard-earned money on these bloodthirsty Asians.

African women get a thrill from spending thousands of dollars in weaves to support the multi-billion Asian hair industry, instead of starting their own hair and beauty products businesses. African men brag about a new Toyota, instead of creating a black automotive industry.

The Mongols (Chinese) are coming to colonise Africa, they come under the guise of ‘Investments’ and ‘development partnership’, and my people being a rebellious and stubborn people refuse to use their own minds. And think for themselves and solve their own problems without any outside assistance that comes with strings attached.

The world we live in is dog-eat-dog, and therefore, even your so-called friends and partners will throw you under the bus when they want something from you. CongoForum shows that China isn’t here to ‘save Africa’, as some of my people were led to believe. For example, ‘ More than 95% of all China’s programs in Africa have a clause that stipulates one breathtaking agreement: all infrastructure-related programs are required to have 70% Chinese contracted personnel. Only 30% of the people hired in these infrastructure programs are Africans. Last time I checked, equality means 50-50, not 70-30. Moreover, while the African governments choose where the infrastructure is needed, they have to pay back the money in natural resources, and are practically forced to give employment to thousands of Chinese instead of Africans.’—CongoForum.

The only way is to fight back. Things to understand:

1. Making our oppressors feel guilty won’t save us. Token-integrated rights to sleep with white/Asian people, instead of building power, won’t neither liberate nor will it dignify us.

2. If anyone attacks us and if the conditions are suitable for a revolution, we militantly wipe them out.

The real question is “Do we have the courage to launch a counterattack—before we all run off and jump into bed with our enemies?” If they start attacking, we fight back, fight to win victory.

When you study Dr. Chancellor Williams' book you can't help but recognise that an apology is not enough to bring back those who were lost in the Arab slave trade and are suffering now due to Asian imperialism and colonialism. An apology is not going to bring back African American men that are being shot down illegally by Asian cops.

So forget about the apology because Asians have already made up their minds about African people. Boycotting Asian products (i.e. Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda) , is not enough.

Instead of running around looking for apologies and making these bloodthirsty Asians feel guilty, African men should revolutionise the automotive industry and manufacture their own cars. African women should be encouraged to start their own businesses and keep the money circulating in the black community. Asians treat us like dirt because we not enable their racist behaviour, but we continue to give away our hard earned money to them.

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