16 December 2016

Revolution in Africa

By Sicebise Msengana

If you believe in Gandhian nonviolent fantasies or Dr. King’s warm message of ‘loving your enemies’, please ignore this. Nobody should teach Africans to suffer peaceful or make themselves martyrs in the name of nonviolence.  When it is far better to make martyrs of police states, police barbarians, colonial terrorists, mass murderers, enslavers, and war criminals.

One of my role models, Malcolm X was a militant activist and revolutionary. He was quoted saying “If this is what the Negro wants, let’s join him. Let’s show him how to struggle, let’s show him how to fight, let’s show him how to bring about a real revolution, let’s make him stop jiving. You don’t need a debate, you don’t need a filler blaster, you need some action... .”
The possible reasons why Africans are defeated:

1. No one takes responsible. Look at South Africa, Africans are busy begging at the feet of colonial descendants for bread and butter and some bread crumbs such as managerial positions, employment, low-income jobs etc.  We are defeated because we’re constantly begging the system of discrimination, a political and economic system of exploitation and social degradation to INTEGRATE us into it.

As a result, this allows Africans to maintain their role as societal victims against all odds.

2. Solving the wrong problems. African people in America or Africa, may have won the token BATTLE to date/sleep with white people but they’re losing the larger WAR in the struggle for human rights and human dignity. Instead they continue to celebrate these TOKEN victories because we are nothing but a token-oriented people.

What needs to be done?
Revolution is the highest form of struggle for resolving contradictions:

a) Solve problems with revolution.  If anyone attacks us and if the conditions are favourable for a revolution, we oppose an unjust war with just war. Without the seizure of  power through armed struggle it would be impossible for the revolution to triumph.

There are certain gestures, thoughts and actions associated with African manhood.
Among others, is the ABILITY to make things HAPPEN—COURAGE in battle(oppose unjust wars with just wars right up to the moment when it POSSIBLE for the African people to establish revolutionary political power), no FEAR of death and GUARD the home( consolidate our defence forces to ensure no foreign imperialism/police thugs harass our women and children).

b) A powerful army. To build this army, we first need a strong African family structure. Africans must set the standards high and don’t fall for the interracial TROJAN HORSE(extermination of the African people through miscegeny) promoted by the establishment.

Most Africans, especially Continental Africans need to understand this principle best that interracial sex (sleeping or breeding with white people and other non-Africans) causes DISUNITY in the African community and further breaks the bond between the African man and African woman.
Without an authentic black family that consists of the African man and his woman, it poses a serious threat to the economic, political, cultural and genetic SURVIVAL of the African family.

Because it takes an African man/ woman to teach their offspring black consciousness and how to function as an African man/woman in this society.

c) Teach the young generation. I will never teach my kids to suffer peacefully...NEVER! I want an African nationalist army that consists of militant generals who will put our race first (date or marry within our people), seizure of power  through economic, cultural and political struggle and seek self-knowledge in our ancestors (Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Patrice Lumumba, Kwame Ture, Steve Biko etc.)

d) Get in touch with reality.  Love sees no colour’? Lenin said ‘In politics Utopia is a wish that can never come true, neither now nor afterwards, a wish that is not based on social forces.’

This is not a FANTASY world. The mythical fruits of colourblindness cannot liberate us.

There’s no way that black people can achieve their aims between the legs of white people or through ‘love’, unless they can develop, advance a UNIFIED agenda and establish REVOLUTIONARY POLITICAL power.

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