19 November 2016

African Manhood

By Sicebise Msengana

Everyone understands self-preservation and Group economics, except for African people. African people refuse to exercise collective economic, political, genetic and cultural action where we organise, arm( or fighting to destroy the enemy's military strength through military operations), finance a UNIFIED political agenda and establish revolutionary power.
When other ethnic groups such as Chinese,
Indians, Jews etc., celebrate the pride they have and maintain their heritage by marrying within their race and keeping up their culture, it is admired and respected.

However,  if African people talk about staying together and uplifting their race, the establishment and white people try to convince  African people that ‘this is wrong. Love sees no colour.’ Everyone seems to see this as threatening or wrong.

Today’s media houses and academia are token fires ignited and fanned by the government propaganda machine in a desperate attempt to kill off the real African revolution that's inherent in the African man and his African woman. Thanks to these puppet-magicians, we African males are typically mischaracterized as ... ‘advocates’ of random violence... 'inherently’ aggressive... rapists, and ‘oversexed’ thugs.

 The falsely degraded African male image that is also endorsed by the Hip hop industry (controlled by whites) serve as a perfect excuse to criminalise black males in a white supremacy society. Once labeled as a criminal you’re being discriminated against and barely have any rights.

This is BROTHERHOOD. African men reclaim their MANHOOD and SELF-RESPECT and demand the sword of JUSTICE fall on those who create problems for our people. All debts must be paid in blood.

The system will never lay down its butcher knives. Instead of watching helplessly as the enemy victimise African women and black children, they fight to destroy the enemy's military strength and wipe out enemy troops. We oppose unjust war with just war, whenever possible. Nobody should teach Black people to accept abuse to a point where it is condoned, endorsed and enabled. Or worse, to forgive any and all atrocities.

 No one is off the HOOK, including black women. But we have to abstain from black women BASHING—complaining about black women’s attitudes this and that, fake nails this and that etc( it destroys not only the black woman’s confidence, but the products of her WOMB: black children).

To the sure, there are some black women who have been defeated by REALITY and can’t handle it well( subconscious inferior complexes lurking and then applied destructively to themselves).

However, in a world where Black ALPHA MALES were in CHARGE, there would be no need for black women to COMPLY with the system by altering their faces, hair, and bodies with makeup, hair straighteners, weaves, and plastic surgery. We African men set our EYES on the black woman and esteem her. Black Women are very attractive to African men and vice versa.  Who can love Black women better than African men? In our African-centred communities, the black woman is the standard of beauty, femininity, intelligence, and desirability.

This is self-preservation and good common sense. No INDEPENDENT people would worship the feminine image of their enemies not UNLESS they want to be conquered. No strong self-loving males would ever PROVIDE, PROTECT and EMPOWER foreign women above their own women or ignore the plight of their OWN women to bond with the women of their ENEMIES.

~The African Love Movement~

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