08 October 2016

Pound for Pound, An Eye for An Eye

By Sicebise Msengana

"Treat me as a human being or send me  to the cemetery"—Sicebise Msengana 

If society doesn’t recognise that certain people are human beings, then let’s disagree to agree. If we cannot solve contradictions in our society; the only solution is to fight until we come into a consensus where  human society advances to the point where myth of races is eliminated. There will be no more injustices. That will be an era of perpetual peace and co-existence between people of different ethnic groups.

I hate how our blood relatives in America are forced to justify their pain and misery, after living in a land of bondage over 400 years under the most inhumane and wicked system ever imposed on a people and intimidated into submission. Revolutionary war is the high form of struggle for resolving problems. Victory or defeat in war is determined mainly by the materialistic conditions of both sides. The U.S. government doesn’t have any legislation to protect African lives in America because Black lives never mattered since the inception of the country. You have to read the history of America and study, its constitution: the Civil Rights Act benefits the LGBT community and mostly white females. The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments don’t offer any protection because they can be revoked any time by the Congress and declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court (Wright, 1984).

Black Americans are actually prisoners of war in America because the white supremacist government insists on fighting a race war: The genocide on American citizens, economic exploitation, political victimisation and social degradation of American Blacks is a racial assault that impede progress  and all wars  that are against progress are unjust. We Africans stand against the unjust war declared against American Blacks by the federal government.

In fact, we Africans actively participate in a revolutionary war in response to the attack on our blood brothers and sisters in AmeriKLAN, the seizure of power by armed force. T. Thomas asserted "White supremacy, white privilege and racism can only be uprooted by overturning that system of settler colonialism and imperialism, here in the US and throughout the world. Nothing short of decolonisation, self-determination of oppressed and colonised people, and revolutionary social, political, economic and ecological transformation of the entire society will do"(Pg. 5). We Africans are not going to sit idle and watch our people being massacred before our eyes. Without armed struggle our people wouldn't be RECOGNISED as HUMAN BEINGS and it would be impossible for revolution to be accomplished in America.

 For every African killed by the race soldiers, we demand the debts be paid in blood. The message must be clear and uncompromising, we demand the heads of race soldiers. If there is no freedom for Africans let there be no freedom for nobody. Pound for pound. An eye for an eye. If the federal government of the United States of America  is unwilling or unable to discipline  race soldiers and their  running dogs, then we are going to discipline them ourselves.

1. Dr. Bobby Wright. The Psychopathic Racial Personality. Pg. 6. 1984.

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