08 September 2016

Freedom or Slavery?

Sicebise Msengana

“We want freedom by any means necessary. We want justice by any means necessary. We want equality by any means necessary” –Malcolm X 

It is very foolish of Africans to want freedom without any sacrifices. Africans have been sold criminal Gandhian philosophies “An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind”, in the name of “nonviolence.” It is
 important to realise that Africans are the only people in the world who are asked to turn the other cheek, while others are actively enslaving and oppressing them. Europe and the U.S. government are bombing and looting African wealth. Arabs are participating in modern day slave trade with impunity—no remorse or guilt. No one is telling whites or Asians to turn the other cheek.

The enslavement of Africans, colonisation of Africa and colonial apartheid were despicable acts of unprovoked war against Africans.  It is understandable that Africans have been trained to kill each other and discouraged from killing the enemy. Dr. Bobby E. Wright stated that “ Black kill Blacks because they have never been trained to kill Whites, therefore, it is outside their experience. Historically, the European system has encouraged the killing of Blacks and since Blacks have been led to believe that they are part of the psychopath’s system, THEY SIMPLY FOLLOW THE PRACTICE!”

Instead of fighting for independence , they attack one other—that's how we have what is called “Black on Black” violence. This is the reason why we have Xenophobic attacks in South Africa, those Africans lack the courage to fight the enemy who is still keeping the land. That displaced anger and resentment is then directed towards African nationals. The only way we Africans can be respected is through waging an unrelenting war against our enemies. Nobody in this world respects beggars, marchers and sit-inners and nobody gets complete freedom and sovereignty through begging, marching and appealing to the morality of colonial invaders and oppressors. If you want freedom you have to fight for it. In that way, you can be respected as a freedom fighter.   And according to Mao Tse Tung, the Chairman of Republic of China, "Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." – “Problems of War and Strategy" (November 6, 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 224. Those who have guns have political power. If you cannot destroy the enemy , you will be destroyed. Even animals understand this law of nature. There are no tears for those who fail to protect themselves. All debts must be paid in blood. The natural law, gives Africans a right to defend and protect themselves against foreign aggression and colonial terrorism. African or Black  nationalism serves as a defence reflex.

Furthermore, those who created the institutions of slavery, colonialism and apartheid cannot be charge of the solutions. African problems demand African solutions. Malcolm X warned us against this kind of thinking that is prevalent among African leaders and populous, “....what it is saying is instead of you and me running around here seeking allies in our struggle for freedom in the Irish neighborhood or the Jewish neighborhood or the Italian neighborhood, we need to seek some allies among people who look something like we do. It's time now for you and me to stop running away from the wolf right into the arms of the fox, looking for some kind of help. That's a drag.”

Surely “loving” your enemies or “nonviolent” struggles are methods to make the world a better place. Not the objective. Our objective is recognition as HUMAN beings and complete FREEDOM, EMPOWERMENT, SELF-DETERMINATION and SOVEREIGNTY.


  1. Dr. Bobby E. Wright (The Psychopathic Racial Personality: And Other Essays, pg. 3)
  2. Mao Tse Tung ( “Problems of War and Strategy" (November 6, 1938), Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 224.)

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