16 August 2016

Let's Not Cry A River For Africans

By Sicebise Msengana

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." --Mao

I will continue to say that there are no tears for people who fail to protect themselves. Therefore we should not cry for the African whose lands are in European hands because they're of hurting white people's feelings. Similarly, we should not wail and weep for our people in America who continue to march, sing and beg white people for basic human rights,  while being gunned down by predatory vicious cops.

Our people willingly allow themselves to be martyrs for white supremacy because they can't defend themselves. These  criminal philosophies taught by Gandhi, and later endorsed by Martin Luther King have no place in our African communities. Self-defence and self-determination are human rights. The Second Amendment declares:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be

Terra nullius is a notorious term derived from the 1095 papal bull , Terra Nullius , of Pope Urban II , which gave Christian European states a colonial right to claim land inhabited by non-Christians. White people after settling in Africa, forcibly took land from African s natives. But there seems to be Africans suffering from Stockholm syndrome. In their native mind, they think that the system has morals. All  Africans suffer from mental illness. This mental illness is evident in our dealing with our enemies. Those who created slavery, colonialism and apartheid can't be charged of the solution. It's a dog eat dog world out there.

They foolishly waiting on the white man to give them freedom. The white man knows how naive the African race, he keeps enslaving, killing, exploiting and oppressing Africans. But Africans being the dumb ones will fall for the tricks such as the 'reverse racism' card and even defend white people who are actively exploiting them. So asleep, we even believe that South Africa belongs to 'Black and White.' The white man keeps looting Africa, while claiming 'We are all Africans.' Yet when it comes to benefits from society, that 'African identity' is in the bin.

The white man can drop atomic bombs, no questions asked. But the only people who are told to be nonviolent to be their enemies are Africans. The white man knows how mentally sick we are; we're being told to beg,  march or 'love our enemies', we fall for that even if the world doesn't work like that.

The only thing I can tell Africans is to fight for what's theirs. TAKE your land by any means necessary! TAKE your human rights by any means necessary! White people aren't  going to give up their preferential treatment and privileges in society. White people aren't going to free us. That's our job. Our job as Africans is to bleed until we are free. Assert our power so that predatory Europe, Asia and America are held in check. Power respects power.

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