21 May 2016

21 Biggest Mistakes We Make in Relationships

By Sicebise Msengana

1. We are afraid of committing --emotionally or physically.

2. We are not honest.

3. The worst relationship advice we were ever told was to sit on the problems. Yes, if only problems fixed themselves.

4. Many people think they're not worthy of respect, kindness and true love in relationships.

5. We treat people like objects. Instead of treating them equally.

6. Because we don't take responsibility for our actions, we blame our partners for our reckless behaviour and careless.

7. Love is usually the last thing on our minds, what we really want is to "make love."

8. We dwell on the past.

9. Jealousy, social networks, sports are usually the biggest relationship killers.

10. Unappreciated. Do we appreciate our partners? Only when we need something.

11. Most people don't believe true love still exists.

12. People wait for the perfect man or woman.

13. We watch a lot of porn.

14. No one wants somebody who doesn't agree with them and how they see the world, we want to change people so that they can stroke our inflated egos.

15. Sometimes it feels like love and looks like love, but it isn't love. Unfortunately, we jump too early.

16. Because we don't want to make an effort.

17.  We enjoy fooling around. I mean we cheat a lot.

18. Frankly, most people are not willing to pay attention to the course the relationship is taking.

19. People are not serious about the relationship.

20. Selfish. Most people don't know how to be selfless.

21. It's all about me. Most people are indifferent to their partner's feelings and needs.

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