17 January 2016

How To Get Riches and Fame Quickly

By Sicebise Msengana

What if I told you that you can be rich quickly? Imagine being rich, famous and loved at the same time, how would you feel? If it was just as easy would you dare to take the risk?

Our homes are flooded with inspirational, lively messages and resources (books, pamphlets etc.) from so-called "Great" men and women of God.  Our TV screens are bombarded with loud voices of televangelists, imans, and rabbis. Each time, they preach the word of God, they persuade us to follow them. Not only must we pledge wholeheartedly, but we must also give a percentage of our salaries, and earnings to support the good cause.    

It shouldn't come as a surprise that cult and religious leaders amass great fortunes through preaching spiritual truths. Take a look at them -- they are rich beyond measure. They have the money, the German sedans(Mercedes, BMW etc.), the booze ( Moet, Hennesy), the food. They have the women, the mansions, and everything you could possibly wish for. But there's this one thing that I left out --authority! Authority over everything they speak and do. Here's how to do it:

   Step #1: Start a religion or a cult.

You can build your invention just about anything. Things that are mysterious and hidden from the public. It could be UFOs, faith healing, ancient astronauts, life after death, extrasensory perception (ESP), telekinesis, ghosts, poltergeists,  reincarnation, faith healing, and human auras.

Step #2: Make your religion or cult as as real as possible

Make your claim a nonfalsifiable or irrefutable hypothesis. There must be no evidence to prove or disprove it. It could be: "I, Sicebise Msengana, am the long awaited Black Messiah sent to save humanity from the impending disaster.  I have created the universe and everything in it, but because of human evil --greed, selfishness, hatred and backstabbing --  the natural order was reversed.  Anyone who accept and believe my words will be saved."

Step #3: List your core beliefs

Convince people to join your cult as the only option to peace, happiness, wealth and fulfilment. Say things like: "The human heart without the loving,  redemptive, megawatt power, is bound to experience despair and misery forever." Construct anything. If it contradicts the faith, then it is invalidate. No matter what.

Step #4: Mass brainwashing must take place

 To separate the "holy ones" from the "hell-bound ones." It could be living in a "holy" commune with the leader or worshipping together. Or isolating themselves from friends and family; outsiders are a threat to achieving the ultimate spiritual form. To receive special blessings, the members must tithe half of their savings. Also on weekdays, the leader holds home groups made up of only young female members in his home. In these home group sessions, it's acceptable to be half-naked, and did I mentioned that the leader is allowed to place his hands on the female members and pray for them, wearing only underwear?

Wilful ignorance must run its course, people must not think for themselves. "Why do bad things happen," should be replaced with "Black Messiah allows everything for a reason, including rape, genocides and natural disasters. I will not question his will and authority."

Only the leader and the second-in-command member are allowed to read the holy texts. Ordinary members must follow what they are taught without any questions.
No one is allowed to leave the cult or religion under the pain of death. On the 13th of Friday, every member must give up their luxuries and observe the day in the holy commune; no phones, no Facebook, WhatsApp, no bras, no underwear, no jewellery, no food, but tithing, fasting, praying and making love with any member as long as they are mature.

Step #5: Get your members

Everybody is welcomed, but must abide by the strict rules that are meant to bring us to the truth. Recruiting members to your cult is actually easy as 1, 2, 3...

Go to the marginalised groups like the poor, the sick, the homeless and other social outcasts. Tell them about your gospel and convince them to join you.

Step #6: Preach the "us against them" mantra.

You can paint any picture that will appeal to human emotions. Your followers have to be inspired and energised by your message. Tell them there are two groups and ways. The way of the Master leads to peace and tranquility and also eternal life. But unbelief leads to havoc, pain and destruction.

Preach unity among fellow members and disunity among non-believers. Demonize non-believers up to a point where they are seen as sub-humans, not a full member of the human family.
Also install fear, guilt and worthlessness in your followers. Tell them openly that they are worthless, deprived without any hope of doing good, but through the loving kindness of the Black Messiah, he saved you when you were unlovable and utterly filthy.

Step #7: Glorify the founder

The leader must be a demi-god or God incarnate or anything above criticism. In my case, I'm the Black Messiah, perfect and merciful in my ways. I'm the ultimate standard of morals and ethics. Everything I say goes. When people sin too much I will punish them by sending earthquakes, floods, diseases and  financial turmoil.

Make up something like sexually transmitted diseases were sent by the almighty to punish those who sleep around. Throw your followers into literally hysteria by saying things like "People live immoral lives, get STDs, and take treatments. How dare they invoke Black Messiah's wrath by sinning and dodge the punishment as well!"

Step #8: Make promises with no intentions to deliver

Now that you've succeed in get people to follow what you made up, it's time to get real. Promise them heaven on earth. Perfect peace, perfect health, financial blessings, enlightenment, salvation and perfect humanity. Promise to solve global hunger and extreme poverty. Tell them utopia is possible.

Lastly,  sell them a D-I-Y salvation kit: sow a seed of R/$ 100 or 1000 or 10, 000 to stay blessed and get your prayers answered. When people are trying to get things working and they fail. Chances are they will blame themselves. Tell them that faith is what makes things possible, not hoping.

Hope is trying, not believe. Have faith and believe and it will come true. Still things won't work out? The almighty sees the bigger picture than us. Maybe your reward is not in this world, but in the next world.

Step #9: Sit back and relax...enjoy your profits.

After hard work, its time to enjoy the fruits of your work.  Want a new Mercedes or a mansion? Make up a verse that says "blessed are those who bring to house of Black Messiah!" Want a bunch of mistresses? Tell your female followers that one day you will leave the world and evangelise to aliens somewhere in the cosmos, but you must leave disciplines until you return.

Convince them to give themselves to your cause...and their bank accounts, assets etc. Brush up suspicions by nodding your head and say, "It's the right thing to do."

Whatever the case, belief systems play a big role in people's lives. For thousands of years, humans have worshipped thousands of gods and goddess in an effort to fill an empty void in their lives.  Even today, we see the creation of new religions and new gods. While faith in one god or dozens of gods or no god at all can be a good thing, religion has been responsible for some of the greatest tragedies in human history.

One can argue since human beings hate one another, religion also hates human beings. Religion in some way has made impressive contributions to society and should be respected. But we should also criticise religion for its wrongdoings. It's has been a crutch for humanity since time immemorial.  We have long passed the stone age era, and it's time to toss away our childish behaviour and embrace reality.

We can do it simply by evolving the current religions to fit the standards of the modern society or throw away them completely. It's normal to believe. It's human. But there comes a time when we should think about the world we are going to leave for our children. Take a sober look at the current state of our world.

Is it appealing? Is it a safe world for everyone regardless of race, wealth and social status? Sometimes you read on the newspapers about a suicide bomber motivated by religion. A woman accused of cheating has been stoned to death. Homophobic attacks. Bigotry. Hate. Rape. Misuse of assets. Some of these issues have been fueled by religion. Instead of solving them, it made things worse.

The time for humanity to examine itself has come. What do we really want? What if the secret to world peace is simply learning to put our differences aside? What if we can achieve happiness, not through following old, worn out lies, half-truths and mystical mumbo jumbo talk but through learning to accept ourselves and what we have?

I don't have much but I have learned accept and live (while improving myself) with my situation. As a result, I have experienced happiness beyond understanding.

 This is the uncompromising gospel of the Black Messiah to the dying world. A world in need of hope and love.

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