21 December 2015

When Love Heals A Broken Heart

By Sicebise Msengana
Pic: Mine

Severely shy and emotionally beaten down,
Thuli grew up unloved and unwanted. Her life was filled with disadvantages and poverty. Her mother, Dolly, was married two times and her second husband
sexually abused the little girl several times. The father of the child was her first husband; he died of a stroke a few days after the child's birth. Thuli never felt the love of a parent, she was given no attention, affection because the mother worked all the time. She was poor, lonely, emotionally bruised, abused, and rejected.
One day she wrote a note declaring "I wish I was not born. God, please let me die." Her pain was real and excruciating. A beautiful and intelligent girl, she got a scholarship to study medicine at a top university. One day she met a guy named Aphiwe. He was a computer science student and also muscular, handsome and talented soccer captain. She couldn't help but to think of women who would like to date Aphiwe.
"Good afternoon, beautiful." "Morning, stranger." "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind if I asked you out on the weekend?" She was over the moon with such a request from a handsome man who had a beautiful gaze. "I will be free on Friday." "Yeah. I'm looking forward to it." He flashed a smile. "See you on Friday then." The date went well. They took a walk to Thuli's place.
Now Aphiwe knew that he had won the girl's heart. The only thing left to do was to make a move on her. Taking a step forward, he looked into the girl's face and wished to kiss away the pain. "I loved you from the day we first met. But I was afraid that you belonged to somebody." After hearing those words filled with love, she throw her
arms around his neck and covered his mouth with her pink lips.  He caught her to him. Her heart felt a wonderful sensation when he began to accept her. They were powerless to contain the spark
within themselves. "I love you too Aphiwe." Her words were stopped when his mouth met her lips. Gradually wounds began to heal. Aphiwe showered her with loving kindness and affirmed her value as
a human being.

Six months later...Aphiwe asked the question every girl dreams of: "Will you marry me?" He asked. With a wide smile, "Sure. I'm happy to spend my life with you and be the mother of your children," She replied.

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