24 April 2015

Who cares?

By Sicebise Msengana
Pic: Iantruscott.com




Sometimes when I turn on the TV to watch the news. There's always something bad thing happening around the world. Genocides, mass rape, police brutality, corruption, racism, bigotry etc. As I witness such horrors, I'm saddened by the chilling reality of the whole world being silent. Many people have turned a blind eye to these atrocities, in fact many are afraid to speak out. Instead of  speaking out we play the "politically correctness" game.  Instead of arresting the culprits, we justify it enough by saying, "it's only the minority." Who will stand up for the rights of the oppressed? Who will speak out against the terrorism? Abortion? Crimes against humanity? Religious persecutions? 

 Complaining.  We too often sit by saying, "how evil and corrupt the world has become," instead of going out and making a difference. I believe the time is right for us to make a stand for our children,
families,communities,and the world at large. 

Doing nothing.  While it is true that you can't change the whole world. But you can inspire change around your local community. At times, we say, "evil must be stopped! Someone has to do something." But even in my approval I know that someone has to be that someone. Nothing will change if individuals are passive. 

Discouragement. We may face presidential scandals, cultural meltdown, terrorist attacks, tremendous debt, religions hostility, increasing persecutions, racism, unstable economic growth, extreme poverty, and hunger. But in the midst of of it all there is hope and a bright future. Even in the face of strong opposition, and intimidation. Let's press on and never give up. 

Bad leadership. I believe we lack bad leadership, on a global scale. We need effective leaders. There are political leaders who have sold the cause for money, power, and sits of honor. These leaders masquerades as "the servants of the people, while enriching themselves, at the expense of the masses. Ugly giants such as ISIS, Boko Haram, Al-Qeada, and many other terrorist groups are easy to spot as enemies, but it is those leaders who are popular and have secret dangerous agendas, that slip past the defenses and do the most damage. 

Coward mode. It seems like everyone wants to make the world a better place. We all want to to great; we all want to change the world, no one wants to make an effort--rather to put an effort we run away from what we should be doing and who we really are!

Incomplete world. The world was left incomplete. And I think its up to us to finish the work. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in life. But we all want to help each other. We want to live by each other's happiness--not by each other's misery. We don't have to despise one another, there's enough room for everyone in this world. There are enough resources for everyone, if we can learn to share.

Let's go out there and making a meaningful contribution to the world. Instead of looking for  "miracles" or "divine intervention," be that miracle to somebody need or help and share the love.

Your thoughts?


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